Health & Safety Policy

Policy Statement
At OTB Engineering Ltd we recognise our duties under current health and safety legislation and we will meet the requirements of this legislation and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. All staff are informed of their responsibilities to ensure they take all reasonable precautions, to ensure the safety, health and welfare of those that are likely to be affected by the operation of our business.

OTB Engineering Ltd recognises its duty to make regular assessments of the hazards and risks created in the course of our business. We also recognise our duty, so far as is reasonably practicable:
• to meet our legal obligations to maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
• to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks so identified.
• to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health, safety and welfare.
• to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
• to ensure the safe handling and use of substances.
• to provide policies, information, instruction and training where necessary for our workforce, taking account of any who do not have English as a first language, or have learning difficulties.
• to ensure that all workers are competent to do their work, and to give them appropriate training.
• to prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health.
• to actively manage and supervise health and safety at work.
• to have access to competent advice.
• to seek continuous improvement in our health and safety performance and management through regular (at least annual) review and revision of this policy.
• to provide the resource required to make this policy and our Health and Safety arrangements effective.
• to set and monitor effective and appropriate objectives.
• To keep sufficient and suitable records.

We also recognise;
• our duty to co-operate and work with other employers when we work at premises or sites under their control to ensure the continued health and safety of all those at work.
• our duty to co-operate and work with other employers and their workers, when their workers come onto our premises or sites to do work for us, to ensure the health and safety of everyone at work.

Where there is a genuine concern for health, safety, or welfare, all employees can raise a refusal to work without fear of discrimination. No employee will be subject to disciplinary action or suffer detrimental or punitive action, even if the concern is ultimately seen to be unfounded.

To help achieve our objectives and ensure our employees recognise their duties under health and safety legislation whilst at work, we will also inform them of their duty to take reasonable care for themselves and for others who might be affected by their activities. We achieve this by explaining their duty and setting out our company health and safety rules in an Employee Safety Handbook which is made available to every worker employed by us. A responsibility chart and detailed arrangements have been prepared in support of this policy.

Executive owner of this policy: J Austin, Director - OTB Engineering Ltd
Dated: 16th April 2024
Next Review date: January 2025

Equality & Diversity Policy

Policy Statement
We require that all persons and organisations engaged in our business treat all individuals they encounter during the course of their work for us equally, considerately and with respect and in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

Staff and suppliers may not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, nationality, origin, religion, belief, pregnancy and maternity or age nor should they tolerate those who do.

We actively encourage value and diversity and recognise the varied contribution made to the business and wider community by all individuals regardless of their background and experiences.

We are committed to creating an inclusive working environment in which all people are able to give their best, free from harassment and bullying and where all decisions are based on merit.

Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit is on the basis of aptitude and ability. All staff and consultants are encouraged and supported to develop their full potential and we aim to ensure that their talents are fully utilised.

This policy is applicable to all engaged in business on behalf of OTB Engineering.

• This policy is fully supported by the Board of Directors who have appointed Dr Susan Greene as having overall responsibility for managing equality and diversity.
• We are not only committed to compliance with all relevant legislation but also to positive promotion of equality and fairness.
• Breaches of this policy will be regarded as misconduct and may lead to disciplinary action.
• The Directors shall review this policy and its objectives annually. Vision 2024
• To be an employer of choice and through our diverse workforce be recognised for bringing creative and innovative solution to our clients.
• Seek to work with clients and collaborators that have EDI commitments that are consistent with our own.
• Continue to make inclusion and diversity a core attribute of our business embedded in all business practices.

Executive owner of this policy: J Austin, Director - OTB Engineering Ltd
Dated: 11th January 2024
Next Review date: January 2025

Quality Policy

OTB Engineering recognises its role in promoting and delivering quality solutions. Key targets are set and performance monitored to realise our Vision, our Values.

Our Vision:
To be recognised by our staff, clients andpeers as a market leader and acknowledged source of excellence in the provision of practical and innovative engineering services. Delivering high quality and timely services, tailored for our customer whilst creating a great place to work where our people can express their talents, grow and develop.

Core Values:
Our values are at the heart of everything we do. These four values describe the principles that distinguish the OTBe culture. Living our values enables us to carefully consider the interests of all our stakeholders.

Our Values:
• Respect
• Integrity
• Commitment
• Excellence

OTBe management and employees are accountable for implementing and embedding this policy throughout our business in all operating jurisdictions.

Our Commitment to Excellence:
OTBe is committed to the highest levels of quality management in support of our absolute focus on Technical Excellence, Commitment to Clients and Investing in Our People.

We take a collaborative approach with all stakeholders to reduce impact on the environment aimed at ensuring integrity and social responsibility through all aspects of our services.

We will achieve this by:
• Continually improving the effectiveness of all our systems
• Complying always with the requirements of our clients, with the ISO9001:2015 standard and applicable regulatory requirements
• Regularly evaluate our processes to ensure we are consistent in meeting our customer needs
• Setting meaningful, challenging objectives for the company and our employees
• Utilising existing specialist knowledge, appropriate training and sufficient resources
• Monitoring our performance and progress through a Quality Management System
• Risk management and implementing business controls to ensure compliance with legal requirements including incident management.

Executive owner of this policy: J Austin, Director - OTB Engineering Ltd
Dated: 11th January 2024
Next Review date: January 2025

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy

OTB Engineering Ltd (OTBe) provides innovative, practical, safe and value driven engineering services and solutions that consistently meet or exceed the needs of our customers. Our office is based in the United Kingdom, and we have a global reach on the projects that we supply these services to.

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. OTBe operates and carries out its business activities in compliance with its business ethics and integrity policy and does not condone the use of forced labour or trafficking in any form including that of its subcontractors, suppliers or third parties. Senior management will take responsibility for implementing this policy statement and its objectives and will provide training and adequate communication throughout OTBe to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within OTBe or its supply chains.

People are our success and we are committed to providing a safe, healthy, professional and supportive environment, particularly with respect to their human and labour rights. Integrity is one of the core values of OTB.

Right to Work Checks and Due Diligence Processes
Our HR processes comply with all applicable UK legislation. Right to work checks as a minimum are carried out on all new OTB employees. An individual’s employment with us is conditional upon having the legal right to work in the UK.

Training for Staff
Training on OTBe core values and culture including ethics is a mandatory part of the induction process for all new employees. The induction process also includes this policy.

Our Supply Chain
Our supply chain comprises sub-consultants, who provide professional services to us, and suppliers who provide services to us in the support of our business. All new sub-consultants, contingent workers, agencies and suppliers must be approved through our pre-qualification process in order to be registered on our system and paid. The pre-qualification process specifically asks questions around compliance with modern slavery legislation.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Executive owner of this policy: J Austin, Director - OTB Engineering Ltd
Dated: 11th January 2024
Next Review date: January 2025

Environmental & Sustainability Policy

OTB Engineering recognises its role in promoting and delivering sustainable solutions. Key targets are set and performance monitored to realise our Vision, our Values.

Our Vision:
To be recognised by our staff, clients and peers as a market leader and acknowledged source of excellence in the provision of practical and innovative engineering services. Delivering high quality and timely services, tailored for our customer whilst creating a great place to work where our people can express their talents, grow and develop.

At OTBe we are committed to the highest levels of sustainability in support of our absolute focus on Technical Excellence, Commitment to Clients and Investing in Our People.

We take a collaborative approach with all stakeholders to reduce impact on the environment aimed at ensuring integrity and social responsibility through all aspects of our services.

We will achieve this by:
• Continually improving the effectiveness of all our systems
• Complying always with the requirements of our clients, with the ISO14001 standard and applicable regulatory requirements
• Risk management and implementing business controls to ensure compliance with legal requirements including incident management
• Setting meaningful, challenging objectives for the company and our employees
• Utilising existing specialist knowledge, appropriate training and sufficient resources
• Monitoring our performance and progress through Quality and Environmental Management Systems
• Encouraging greener activities in travel, energy consumption and operational management.
• Commitment to protection of the environment and prevention of pollution.

Core Values:
Our values are at the heart of everything we do. These four values describe the principles that distinguish the OTBe culture. Living our values enables us to carefully consider the interests of all our stakeholders.

Our Values:
• Respect
• Integrity
• Commitment
• Excellence

OTBe management and employees are accountable for implementing and embedding this policy throughout our business in all operating jurisdictions.

Executive owner of this policy: J Austin, Director - OTB Engineering Ltd
Dated: 11th January 2024
Next Review date: January 2025

Privacy Notice

OTB Engineering Ltd respects and values the privacy of visitors to our website, (Our Site), and only collect and use your personal data as permitted by law and described in this Privacy Notice.

Information About OTB
Our Site is owned and operated by OTB Engineering Ltd, registered in England under company number 05538248. Registered address: 12 Rushworth Street, London, England,SE1 0RB Data Protection Officer email:

What Personal Data Does OTB Collect and How?
Our Site collects certain information automatically, including your IP address, the type of browser you are using, and certain other non-personal data about your computer or device such as your operating system type or version, and display resolution. If you input your details into our website to sign up to our newsletter or talent pool, we collect your name, your contact details, and any other information which you choose to give us. The lawful bases under the Data Protection Legislation, article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, for collecting or using personal information, are consent (for proper functionality of Our Site), and legitimate interest(recruitment from our talent pool, and marketing in form of newsletters).

How Does OTB Use Your Personal Data?
Where we collect any personal data, it will be processed and stored securely, for no longer than is necessary in light of the reason(s) for which it was first collected. We will comply with our obligations and safeguard your rights under the Data Protection Legislation at all times. We will not share any of your personal data with any third parties for any purposes other than storage on an email and/or web hosting server.

Does OTB Share Your Personal Data?
We will not share any of your personal data with any third parties for any purposes, subject to the following exception(s).If we sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or assets, your personal data may be transferred to a third party. Any new owner of our business may continue to use your personal data in the same way that we have used it, as specified in this Privacy Notice (i.e. to communicate with you). In some limited circumstances, we may be legally required to share certain personal data, which might include yours, if we are involved in legal proceedings or complying with legal obligations, a court order, or the instructions of a government authority. We may contract with the following third party for hosting and data storage purposes:
· HubSpot CRM,
· Outlook,
· WebFlow,
· Mailchimp.

If any of your personal data is transferred to a third party, as described above, we will take steps to ensure that your personal data is handled safely, securely, and in accordance with your rights, our obligations, and the third party’s obligations under the law.

How long does OTB keep information: OTB put in place a retention period of six years for personal data which you provide us with as part of signing up to our newsletter or talent pool.

Your Data Protection Rights
Under data protection law, you have the following rights:
· Right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal data.
 Right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify personal data you think is inaccurate.   You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
· Right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to erase your personal data in certain circumstances.
· Right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your   personal data in certain circumstances.
· Right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in   certain circumstances.
· Right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal data you gave us to   another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.
· Right to withdraw consent – When we use consent as our lawful basis you have the right to withdraw your consent.

To make a data protection rights request, or if you have any concerns about OTB’s use of your personal data, please contact us using the contact details at the top of this privacy notice. If you make a request, we will respond to you within one calendar month.

If you remain unhappy with how we’ve used your data after raising a complaint with us, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office:
· Helpline number: 0303 123 1113
· Website:

Changes to this Privacy Notice
We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. This may be necessary, for example, if the law changes, or if we change our business in a way that affects personal data protection. Any changes will be immediately posted on Our  Site and you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Privacy Notice on your first use of Our Site following the alterations. We recommend that you check this page regularly to keep up-to-date. This Privacy Notice was last updated in June 2024.