Thames Tideway, CVB, FLO, BBV, Barhale JGL
Ferrovial Laing O'Rourke joint venture (FLO JV)
Thames Tideway is a major infrastructure development to build a 25 km 'super sewer' system under the Thames that will support a city predicted to top 16 million citizens by 2160. A principal site in the Central Section is Falconbrook Pumping Station ( FALPS ). More than 700,000 cubic metres of untreated sewage overflows into the Thames every year from FALPS alone and so it is being upgraded to divert up to 94% of that effluent into the new Tideway Tunnel. The new infrastructure at FALPS will intercept flows upstream of the existing pumping station in the Low Level 1 Relief Sewer (LL1RS) through an interception chamber, diverting these through a connection culvert into a 44m deep combined sewer overflow (CSO) shaft before being conveyed to the main Tideway tunnel 250m away through the connection tunnel.
OTBe were engaged by FLO JV to develop an alternative construction methodology for the Falconbrook Pumping Station Interception Chamber as they were concerned with the buildability and programme impacts of the current proposed design. The proposed works need to overcome several constraints as summarised below:
OTB in conjunction with FLO went back to the drawing board to come up with its proposed solution. The biggest single risk to the project was the connection of the interception chamber to the LL1RS (due to been located within the water bearing River Terrace Deposits and that this critical bit of Thames Water infrastructure had to remain operational. OTB's innovative solution was to split the excavation works of the interception chamber into three separate cells. This would isolate the more complex works of connecting the LL1RS to the interception chamber from the remaining works associated with interception chamber. The cells (1-3) were constructed using 750mm diameter hard soft secant piled walls. The secant piled wall provided a water cut off in cells 1 and 3 to enable to the excavation to be undertaken to its final level of 18m bgl. The secant piles in cells and 1 and 3 were supported by a perimeter R.C. capping beam and two levels of temporary steel frames.
Completion of the Falconbrook interception chamber using OTB Engineering’s innovative design included: